Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thank you Heavenly Father for Springtime!

For those of you who do not know! There is a God!  Just take a look around at the magnificent beauty of nature.
I love walking in my neighborhood especially in the spring time.  I have began to call myself a garden watcher.   I can walk 5 miles as long as I have landscaped yards to look at.  The sights, sounds and smells of spring are so beautiful to me.  At the first sight of spring I anticipate the blossoms of flowers and chirping of birds.  Walking around the community helps me to relax from  my daily stress.  If you don’t believe me just take a walk and really smell the flowers. 
Today I decided to bring a camera and snap a few pictures of the beautiful sights of spring.  If you don’t have time or unable to take a walk, just take a look at these pictures.  The first picture are my roses! :)
Breathtaking! I just love you Father for giving us the beauty of springtime!

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