Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Assessorize Your Home?!

One of the most popular questions I get when decorating is, “How do I accessorize my home”?  First, you must have a common theme and color scheme in the home.  If your theme is old world Italian with a color scheme of amber, moss, brown and green, stick to that theme it will make your home more harmonious, having a continuous flow.  Keep your color scheme and stick to that theme when purchasing accessories for your home.  When you’re out looking at accessories, consider using larger more impressive pieces, which again should repeat your theme and color scheme.  Take a picture when you purchase your items, they are usually displayed in the store with like items to catch your eye.  Most retail merchandisers group like items together to attract buyers.  This is a good way to select your accessories.  Take a look at a few merchandising ideas below.

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