Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Diva Bridal Shower

Congratulations to Leticia Fernandez on her engagement to Yahir Cruz.  I wanted to do something special for my lovely friend/sister Leti for her engagement so I decided to host a bridal shower for her upcoming nuptials.  I did not want to do the usual shower so I chose a Diva themed party.  Leti is such a sweet friend and sister to everyone she is always hosting and planning events for everyone so this day had to be special.  The invitations requested that guest shower Leti with jewelry, purses, shoes, makeup or perfume all things that a Diva would love.  Boy did she receive some wonderful gifts. I am still trying to steal that animal print purse she received! (Leti, you better hide that one real good! I got my eye on it!)

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